My Story

I never thought I would say this, but I am fifty... and loving it!


I was born in Paris, France, to Canadian parents.  After a short three years living in Chad, Africa, we returned to France where I went through the challenging French School System. I then moved back to Canada for University and lived here ever since.  Maybe because of my up-bringing, I love traveling and discovering beautiful new landscapes and exploring the complexities of cultures!


My Life has not been the easiest, but it has been blessed and meaningful.  My husband Mark and I married in 1993 while in university and together we have learned to overcome our differences and experience a deep love that has been built on years of long, vulnerable conversations.  We have two boys who are in their twenties now.  I am so proud of them for learning to overcome some significant challenges in their lives and that they sought help at such a young age to find healing and wholeness. 


I am thankful that through all the ups and downs of learning disabilities, unexpected sexual abuse, and death in our family, we have landed on our feet because of the beliefs we stood on and the caring and supportive people we surrounded ourselves with.  

I have also spent invaluable individual time with 
my own Life Coaches who helped me to:

Grow where I needed to grow, 
Grieve what I needed to grieve, 
Gain insight into my own value and purpose, and
Pursue my goals in a healthy and balanced way.


Over the last three decades, I have learned to mine my failures to find their treasure, and have experienced how even my darkest nights have become catalysts for beautiful tomorrows. I can now recognize when my fears are affecting my present decisions, and when my desires and expectations are tinting my behaviour in a negative way.

I have borne witness to friends and family overcome disabilities, hardship, and abuse 
to live successful and meaningful lives. I strongly believe that our past does not define us.  
Our everyday choices do!

It is my utmost pleasure to come along side people from all walks of life, ages and cultures and inspire them to connect more deeply  with the people that matter most and experience victory in their everyday life.  I believe that each Life Coach has their own strengths and weaknesses. I have always sought to find people that were successful in the areas I wanted to grow in and learn from them for that season.  This is why I have had many different mentors and life coaches over the years!  
Perhaps I can be one of those mentors along your journey.

My personal passion is to see ABUNDANT LIFE restored to the LIVING, 

My Family

Family is important to us.  We love working together and being goofy together.
We have laughed together and grieved our losses together.  It is such a delight and privilege to hear each other's hearts and dreams, and be apart of each other's journey.  In 2022, Mark and I moved to Mexico to open a retreat and training center.  
Our oldest son has taken over our family farm.  Life is full of changes and unexpected circumstances - like our youngest son's Covid wedding in 2020 where they were limited to 10 people at their ceremony! 
We choose to treasure each experience... each moment.